Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The 'D' Word

Yes, that means diet.

My weight has really crept up. It isn't into triple digits yet, but the way things have been going, it could quite easily do so.

I have this big problem. I have some bad habits left over from childhood and no matter how hard I try I just can't seem to get rid of them.

I went to see a dietitian a couple of weeks ago - trying to find some answers to some various health issues I have. And I swear I have been trying to stick to the plan, but it isn't easy. Especially because of those aforementioned bad habits.

I have to admit to being pretty good so far - not having sweets as much. I've had my bad moments, of course, but nowhere near as bad as I have been with the takeout and the junk food.

My hours have been different this week. And it's kind of hard to keep to a diet when you have to think about lunch and dinner when you're at work. Breakfast is easy. A bit of fruit or a bit of cereal and you're away. Lunch and dinner is a lot harder. It takes a bit of preparation. Not that I'm complaining, because I still manage to get a lot done during the worktime.

I need to lose weight. This isn't about looking better, although that is a benefit, but it's about feeling healthy inside.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Mari Anne said...

Wish you the very best of luck!
Completely understand how difficult it is... I have bad habits slso, although mine were aquired in early adult-hood and are just as tough to break!