Thursday, March 5, 2015

Breast Feeding

An article in the Herald states that they're trying to ban advertising for infant formula for babies under six months.

This, in my opinion, is going a little overboard.

Their reasoning is that it will deter new mothers from breast feeding. I find this to be more than a little illogical.

Fact: Breastfeeding is the best for baby.

Myth: Feeding a baby by formula only is bad for baby.

They're now trying to discourage various organisations on recommending formula, but they're not taking into account very important things.

Some women just cannot breastfeed. Either they don't produce enough milk, or are unable to due to some illness.

My nephew had colic for three months straight. Every time he was breast-fed, he screamed his head off. I'm no expert but I wondered at the time whether it was something in his mother's milk that caused the problem because when he had formula, it eased the situation. It didn't cure it, but it helped.

If those advocating breast-feeding are so concerned that advertising infant formula will turn new mothers off breast-feeding, then use the same medium to create public announcements and education.

Stop trying to demonise infant formula. It is an alternative to breast feeding. Otherwise, you run the risk of alienating those women who cannot breast-feed for various reasons. Don't make them out to be bad mothers because you're trying to make them do something that is not possible for them to do.

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